Sekumpul Waterfall

Sekumpul Waterfall location is in the village beside northern hills of the north Bali . Between two village area of Sekumpul and Lemukih village . Sekumpul village also known by its beauty of nature landscape . The location is exactly in the midst of beautiful land .
Bali island is the most visited island in Indonesia with its unique culture and beautiful land . Beside that the island also known with its nice waterfalls . Some of the waterfalls are really popular for the tourists . One of them is Gitgit waterfalls also Munduk waterfall and Tegenung waterfall . But in the north Bali there is the tallest waterfall . This waterfall is Sekumpul Waterfall , the Bali hidden waterfall .
Sekumpul waterfall also known by the name as 7 point waterfalls . Which is taken from the name of 7 falls in the steep rugged hills in two different point . From the beauty of this area make this place as the most beautiful waterfall in Bali . But not too much visitors coming to visit , due to the location which is consider far from elsewhere . Its perfect for you if you would like to see the real Bali country side and away from tourism crowd . To get here we need to drive approximately 3 hours from south Bali . We recommend to hire Bali Private Driver due to the difficulties driving route . And you also will able to see some interesting sites along the trip .
Sekumpul Waterfall
From the perking we will need to walk 30 minutes before the stairs . Than we will walk down through very steep stairs .Along the way down there are few gazebos for resting place . There we can stop and rest to enjoy the view of the waterfall. To do a whole trekking in this area we require to be super fit .The persons with health difficulties will not recommended to come . They probably only able to see the view from the gazebo .
So are you up for this ?
With the beauty of this site soon will become one of Bali tourism icon . So if you are really adventures this place can be your first list .
Be our first guest after reading this article . Contact your Bali private Driver here ! and organize your Sekumpul waterfall trekking.
Tips :
1 . There will be an entrance fee at the entrance gate that will cost you 15.000 / person .
2 . Some of the local peoples will offer you their service to accompany you to do the trekking . Don’t pay more than 50.000 / guide because its allowed for you to do trekking without guide . Its easy way to get to the waterfall and you will not lose .