Holy Spring Temple at Tampaksiring

Holy Spring Temple is the important temple for Hindu in Bali . The temple known as Pura Tampaksiring also call Pura Tirta Empul . Located in the east of Ubud , in the town of Tampaksiring district . Along the way to Kintamani or Batur Volcano .
Holy Spring temple is actually the English name of the temple given by the tourist . The name of the temple is actually Pura Tirta Empul or Pura tampak Siring . Holly Spring is name is from the large spring water inside the temple that we believes as a Holly Water . In other words also call Pura Tampaksiring because its located in Tampaksiring village . For Hindu believer in Indonesia especially in Bali island , we believe that the temple is a place to do a purification ritual beside to worship the God . Frequently we will come there for purification rituals to remove all the bad influence in our body and soul . There’s a 3 large pools including some artificial showers as a place for purification ritual . Each artificial showers has a different purpose but in general is to remove all the bad influence .
The lagend of Holy Spring Temple
Talking about the Holy Spring Temple will associated with the legend of Maya Danawa story . Maya Danawa is the name of the king who ruled over Bali . The tyrant King with his powerful magic and supernatural power . On the negative side he won’t believes in God and punish his peoples who doing a religious rituals while he want the peoples worship him as the only God . Because of his magic power he is unbeatable , on the other hand he can use his power to turn himself became any creature .
At the same time , there we live a holly priest call Sang Kulputih . He is actually Ida manik Angkeran , he is also known in other legend story . The legend of Manik Angkeran , the greedy prince who turn become a priest after saved from the death . He swear to dedicated a whole of his life for Bali island . The priest were very sad with what happening against Bali peoples . And than he doing a meditation at Besakih temple to ask the God help to destroy the tyranny .
God send Lord Indra , the king of heaven with his heaven troops to attack Maya Danawa . They were a war between King troops and Lord Indra troops , but before dark King Maya Danawa loose the fight . And than he trying to escape and save his life by run to the river . In order to don’t leave the trace , Mayadenawa tilting her feet so that the place was known as Tampaksiring . Near the river he making a poisonous spring water and in the morning the troops of Lord Indra dying because they all drink the water . Lord Indra saw what happening and solve the problem by create the holly water . He stab his weapon into the ground to create the spring water , this spring water is blessed by God to cure all the troops .
Visit Holy Spring Temple with Your Private Driver
After that he order the villagers to build the Temple there to worship the God . Since than the temple in this spring Temple area call Holy Spring Temple or Pura Tirta Empul . Untill know we believe that the Spring water use for cleaning our body and soul from all the bad influence . This site has attract a lot of tourist , either local of international visitors . Some of them also joining and having a purification ritual as their unique experience while they are in Bali for vacation .
The fight continue , King Maya Danawa trying to escape by turning his form became any kind of form in every different place . In Manukaya village he turn became a roaster that’s way the village call Manukaya , Manuk is a roaster in balinese language . He turn become Timbul fruit in the village which is now call Timbul . In one place he turn become Busung ( young coconut leaf ) than this place known as Blusung village now . In Ubud he turn become an Angel and since than this village call Kedewatan which is mean Angel in English . But all his power can’t save him from the death . Its a God wish when the time is come , he dead after he turn become rock . The lord Indra firing the arrow pierce the Rock of the Mayadanawa shape . The day he died we celebrate as Galungan Day , the biggest Hindu celebration in Bali island .
Do we believe with the legend ? , as a Balinese will say : ” Yes we believe . But is the legend is really are ? we will say : ” We don’t know .
But as the Balinese we will pass this legend or other Balinese legend and tradition to our generation , its important to preserve our culture and tradition . We proud to be Balinese .
How to reach the holy spring temple
The temple is located just between Ubud and Kintamani . The famous route for day tour in Bali island , the road is fairly good and reachable by any kind of vehicle . Approximately 30 minutes from Ubud town and 1,5 hours – 2 hours from south Bali or Denpasar airport .Entrance ticket is 20.000 per person included Sarong . But please note that the Sarong is only use for entering the temple . For purification rituals you have to use your own or rent in the temple .
See also our tour program for Holy Spring temple :